Privacy Policy 

Ruth and Kate Portraits,  (" Ruth and Kate Portraits "), is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our website ( the " Website" ). In this privacy policy, we therefore explain how we do it and what happens to your personal information when you visit the site. The privacy policy also provides you with the necessary information so that you may consent to the processing of your personal information explicitly and in full knowledge of the circumstances.

 In principle, Ruth and Kate Portraits processes all information and data you provide to Ruth and Kate Portraits through the Website or otherwise collected by Ruth and Kate Portraits through the Website in connection with the use of the Services (" Services") described in more detail in Section 3 below, in accordance with the Terms of Use legal requirements and in an appropriate and transparent manner. In doing so, as explained below, Ruth and Kate Portraits relies on internationally accepted principles for the processing of personal data such as limitation of purpose, restriction of storage, minimization of data volume, data quality, and confidentiality.


  1. Data controller and data protection officer
  2. Processed personal data
  3. Name, contact details, and other personal data
  4. job applications
  5. Special categories of personal data
  6. Personal data of other persons
  7. Browser data
  8. cookies
  9. Purposes of data processing
  10. Reasons for the processing as well as mandatory or exempted processing
  11. Recipient of personal data
  12. Forwarding of personal data
  13. Storage of personal data
  14. Rights of data subjects
  15. amendments
  1. Data Controller and Data Protection

Officer Ruth and Kate Portraits (see the beginning of the Privacy Policy) is the Data Controller in connection with the processing of all personal data via the Website.

If you would like to contact Ruth and Kate Portraits Data Protection Office, you can do so here: 

  1. Personal

Information Processed: When you use the Website, Ruth and Kate Portraits collects and processes data relating to you (as a person) that identifies you, either alone or together with other information that has already been collected. Ruth and Kate Portraits can also collect and process data about others when you provide these Ruth and Kate Portraits.

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